Skmei 2255 Calculator Digital Watch Review

johna by | January 27, 2025 | Electronics Reviews

I recently bought a Skmei 2255 calculator digital watch from China and would like to share my opinion of it.

The 2255 is a clone of the Casio DBC-32-1A and, aside from some different colour options and case labeling, looks and operates basically the same.

I haven't owned or used the Casio so I can't comment on the differences, but I have used other Casio watches so can make some general observations from my experience.

When my 2255 arrived it came in just a plastic bag with an instruction sheet and I was initially impressed with the way it looked. That feeling faded once I put it into use.

The first issue is the viewing angle of the LCD screen. You cannot read the display from an angle of more than about 30 or 45 degrees. This is common with cheaper watches and, although it is a little annoying that you have to check the time looking almost straight, it is something you can probably live with.

The next issue is the colour. I ordered the black version of the watch (it's also available in blue, gold and green). I did not notice until I went out into sunlight that the control panel is purple! It's hard to capture a good photo of this but when outside it is bright purple and I didn't sign up for purple. Strike two.

The third and final strike is the calculator keys. I have watched video reviews on the Casio and the Casio keys appear to be usable, but it is impossible to press the Skmei keys with your finger – you must press hard with your finger nail. It makes the calculator and phonebook almost unusable and you also have to use these keys sometimes for other functions like setting the time. I thought at first it was nice to be able to type in the time rather than incrementally adjust it, but it's hard to do.

With those issues aside I can confirm that the phone does look good like the Casio (as long as you don't mind purple) and features like the automatic light work well. If like me, you are choosing a calculator watch for nostalgia, then you might still be happy with it for half the price of the Casio or less.

Skmei website
Casio website

Skmei 2255
Skmei 2255 close up
Skmei 2255 display issue
Skmei 2255 is purple
Skmei 2255 instructions

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