Converting Numbers To Shorter/Easier to Convey Strings
by johna | October 18, 2007 | Classic ASP Web Development
Possible uses include where you may have a reference number that you don't want to look as if it is sequential and easy to pick, and/or if you want a refernce number that people could quote easier (because it is shorter).
Basically, it converts the number into a Base-34 number (similar to hexadecimal which is Base-16, or binary which is Base-2. Decimal is Base-10).
An advantage to this script, however, is that it doesn't use the letter 'I' or the letter 'O' so there can never been any confusion between them and the numbers one and zero.
To call the script simply use ToBase34(your-number) to convert to the string, then FromBase34(converted-string) to convert back to decimal.
by Freeman | February 26, 2008
You make my day!
by Philip | July 31, 2009
Fantastic! Saved me tons of work!