Thumbnails Using ASPImage
by johna | October 25, 2007 | Classic ASP Web Development
You specify the image path and filename and the height and width required and this script will return the resized image.
The original aspect ratio of the image will allways be retained and whitespace will be added if neccessary to ensure that the dimensions are as requested. If there is any whitespace then you can choose to have the image centred or left/right aligned or top/bottom aligned.
Call the script using the following syntax:
<img src="thumbnail.asp?src=image.jpg&align=center&valign=center&height=100&width=75">
Where src is the path and filename (URL Encoded), align is the horizontal alignment (left, center or right, default is left), valign is the vertical alignment (top, center or bottom, default is top), height is the height in pixels, and width is the width in pixels.
by Colin | October 29, 2007
I cant seem to get this working i just get the "no image" red box.. any suggestions??
by John Avis | October 29, 2007
I just re-tested it and all seems fine. You MUST have ASPImage installed on the server and it must be version 2.x. Also, this script will not tolerate a missing file. And I should point out that the file name should be relative to the folder containing thumbnail.asp (you can change these things if you like).