Gumtree Australia ad photos don't load

johna by | November 29, 2016 | Computers & Internet

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Do you ever find that images don't load for any of the ads in Gumtree? Like this...

Gumtree Australia ad photos don't load

I find this happens to me sometimes and the problem seems to be that the images are loaded from a different site ( and there is an issue with the certificate for that site.

There' an easy temporary fix.

All you need to do is go to and accept the certificate error.

This will mean that the website may not be secure, so if you care you shouldn't do this. But it's just Gumtree, not online banking, so why would you care?

To accept the certificate error in Internet Explorer

1. Go to

2. Click "Continue to this website (not recommended)"

Accept certificate error in Internet Explorer

To accept the certificate error in Google Chrome

1. Go to

2. Click "ADVANCED"

Accept certificate error in Google Chrome, step 2

3. Click "Proceed to (unsafe)"

Accept certificate error in Google Chrome, step 3

Ignore the message you see after this, as it isn't a valid page. You can close this page.

Then go to and ad photos should now load.

If this solved your problem please leave a comment or use one of the social media like buttons below to let me know that I'm not the only one suffering this problem.
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